Brewery RADAS



„Originated in the Beskydy mountains“ beer is brewed from:

  • Quality water from the Beskydy mountains
  • Malt produced from selected varieties of malting barley grown in Haná
  • Aromatic Czech Saaz hops
  • Brewer's yeast from the Research Institute of Brewing and Malting, PLC

Production takes place using professional equipment made ​​from food grade stainless steel. The equipment is manufactured in Czech-Slovak companies. Production is divided into production departments: brewing tank,  main fermentation, beer aging, beer filtration, pressure tank and beer bottling into transport packaging. The entire brewery is sanitized from the CIP (sanitation station). All production is under the control of experienced brewers. Each batch is analysed and tasted before it leaves the brewery.

Počet přístupů: 535701 celkem.